You once needed chart topping test scores to help your college application standout, now… you need a stellar essay! In fact, college essays can be the defining factor in your acceptance.

Admissions officers will be scouring your application, hoping it reveals who you really are and who you’ll be on campus. Stellar Essay gives you the tools and guidance, to create powerful and personal college essays that make your application pop. Think there’s nothing special about your story? Think again. Stellar Essay teaches you how to reveal what sets you apart in an authentic and compelling composition. Your college essay is your critical chance to stand out from the crowd, so make the most of the opportunity. Stellar essay can make you shine!

“The best essays are the ones where we don’t just want to admit the student, we want to take them out for coffee once they’re here. We’re not admitting academic machines - we’re admitting classmates and roommates and kids who will make thoughtful contributions to our community.”

— University of Virginia, Admissions Officer