Amy Fond

Amy Fond works with college applicants, one-on-one, to create unique and powerful college essays. Her approach is the product of more than 25 years of Journalism experience.

As a Media Trainer for global corporations, Amy knows how to engage and motivate an audience to buy into a message. She coaches clients to become confident and persuasive communicators, and teaches the tools to tackle tough interviews.

Amy has been in front of the camera and behind the scenes on both local television news and 24 hour cable news. She’s mastered the art of writing a captivating story and creating the hook that grabs attention. Amy has conducted countless interviews with top newsmakers and knows how to ask incisive questions and find the hidden gold in answers.

She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and is frequently called upon as a key note speaker to represent women in communication. She works to help universities enhance their communication curriculum, including The Wharton School, where she developed original webcasts for Executive MBA candidates.

Most importantly, as a mother of three teenagers, Amy understands a family’s hectic schedule and how to create manageable deadlines.

Amy’s combined skills can simplify the stressful process of crafting personal stories for colleges, and help teens find their voice and their value! Amy shows students how to form the topic, structure, and words to stand out from a sea of applicants with a truly stellar essay!