4 Tips to Turn a College Tour into a Stellar Supplemental Essay

A college tour is your chance to discover whether the college is a right fit for you, but It’s also the perfect time to compile details for your supplemental essays, especially the “Why Us?” essay. That’s the extra essay that hundreds of colleges require, asking why you would be the right fit for their campus. Not only do you need to outline what you’ll contribute to a campus, you’ll need to explain what, for you, sets the school apart, and the unique offerings you’ll take advantage of. Basically, what will they do for you and what will you do for them. It can be a complicated essay to write, but your college tour can help! Here are 4 things you can do on your college tour, that will pay off in spades in a supplemental essay.

  • Keep a journal. Write down what stands out, whether it’s the architecture, the feeling or a subtle detail. Uses your senses to take note and see what’s calling to you. That quote on the bottom of a campus statue, the graffiti on the corner of a building, even the insanely good muffin at the students common, could all be great assets to add to your essay. Use these details to tie in with your values and show how you connect with the campus.

  • Research the curriculum prior. Take a look at the syllabus and see what classes fit your interests and what courses you’d like to explore. Know the names of the professors and their buildings. See if you can sit in on a class or go the extra mile and introduce yourself to a teacher. The experience and information you’ll gain will be gold in your supplemental essay. Being able to accurately talk about which courses you’ll take and why they appeal to you, demonstrate greater interest in a college.

  • Know the extracurriculars in and out. Colleges care about more than just academics. They want to know not only what you’ll add in the classroom, but also to the campus and community as a whole. Whether it’s a club, a job or charity, make sure to seek out the opportunities you may be interested in. If it’s a club, see when they meet, talk to the students, gather more information. Or stop by a job or volunteer site that interests you and jot down some details

  • Stop and sit. So often experiences become a blur as we race through them. Think about the last important get-together you were at, probably a blur, but what if you had stood in the corner for a second and looked around to take it all in? Every now and then you need to step outside of the moment to reflect on what’s happening. Sp stop for a few minutes and sit on campus. Take the time to people watch, notice the energy, and Taking a beat to be present in the moment can help you better retain information and how take note of your emotions.

If you don’t do a college tour, go on-line and look up details about the school and the surrounding areas or ask a former or current student about what stood out for them. Your supplemental essay is your chance to show demonstrated interest in a campus, so don’t waste the opportunity!


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